Divorce Mediation

In divorce mediation, you and your partner meet with a neutral party to work out the details of your divorce. The mediator does not represent either party but rather facilities the details of the agreement. This includes child custody, division of property, and assets. Once all the details have been agreed upon, the documents and/or memorandum of understanding will be drafted. You will be ready to file for divorce with your local county court.

In some cases, parties that have attorneys may utilize a neutral mediator if they are close to agreeing on terms as this avoids going to trail.  In this case, once agreement is reached, details will be reviewed by the attorney(s).

Benefits of a mediated divorce
  • Unlike open court, everything discussed during mediation is confidential.   
  • Parties that mediate to an agreement tend to be more satisfied with the outcome as opposed to what is imposed by the court.
  • Controls legal costs; mediation is much less costly than litigation.
  • Reduces conflict, which is especially important if you share children together.